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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Celebration Begins With ... A Rainbow Cheesecake

Rainbow Cheesecake
The minute I saw this, I knew I had found the perfect recipe for my baby’s birthday and the perfect post for the day – Now I am not too sure how much of this my little 3 yr. old will consume, but a challenge was what I was seeking, esp. since it is also close to my blog’s 1st anniversary (Please stay tuned on Sept 24th for many wonderful giveaways) I figured it doubled the cause for celebration – I was anxious about making this on my own – So I called upon my dear and sweet friend to ask if she would help me with it – The artist that she is, she was immediately enthused by the challenge and the idea of mixing the colors of the rainbow just right and together we had plenty of fun making this! This is truly a recipe that you would find a LOT easier to make with a friend, daughter or mother because it can be a little overwhelming! Grazie mille, Fla, may not have attempted it without your help and nifty guidance!
This cake contains more fat calories than I can count, but hey, when has there ever been a celebration without a good bit of fat to cheer us up! It also goes against most of the things I strive towards –aka – healthy recipes, but a sliver thin slice would be perfectly ok! So let’s chill on this subject :)

I got my recipe from Macheesmo - I have copied almost verbatim his ingredients and his method of preparation -  Hope you enjoy my pictorial of it so that it will be easy for you to recreate! Enjoy mes amies!
Rainbow Cheesecake

2 Cups graham crackers, crushed (crust)
2 Tablespoons sugar (crust)
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter (crust)
1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon (crust)
1 Pinch Salt (crust)
2 Pounds Cream cheese, room temp
1 1/3 Cups Sugar
2 Teaspoons Vanilla
4 Large Eggs
1Cup Sour Cream
1Cup Heavy Cream
1 Pinch Salt
1 Container Food colors (blue, yellow, green, red)

Rainbow cheesecake

  1. Before you get started with the crust, make sure your spring form pan is watertight. I do this by carefully wrapping a few layers of foil on the outside of the pan, working in both directions so water cannot get into the pan. Be careful not to rip the foil or water will get into your cake and ruin it!
  2. To make the crust, grind the graham crackers in a food processor until very fine. Then mix crushed crackers, salt, sugar, and cinnamon together in a bowl. Then mix in butter with your clean fingers.
  3. Press all but a few tablespoons of the graham cracker mixture into the prepared spring form pan. (Save a bit of the crust mixture in case there are holes later) Press it down firmly in the pan. I like to use a measuring cup for this to make it easy to get around the edges. You should have an even, flat crust.
  4. Bake the crust in a pre-heated 350 degrees oven for 10 minutes on a low rack. Remove from the oven and cool completely before continuing. Turn oven temp down to 325.
  5. To make filling, cut cream cheese into pieces and add to a mixing bowl. Whip until smooth, maybe 4 minutes. Then add sugar and continue to beat until smooth again, another 4-5 minutes. Next, add salt, vanilla, and one egg at a time, beating briefly between each egg. Finally, beat in the sour cream and heavy cream.
  6. Once the mixture is well combined and very smooth, divide it into 6 dishes. Add food coloring to each dish to get the desired colors.
  7. Pour colored mixtures into prepared dish with cooled crust. Start with red and pour it right in the center. Continue to build the rainbow by pouring the fillings directly in the center. This will create layers so that each slice has some of each color.
  8. Place cheesecake into a baking dish a fill with boiling water about 1 inch up the side of the spring form pan (pray that your dish is waterproof).
  9. Bake at 325 degrees in the water bath for one hour and 45 minutes.
  10. Turn off the oven, crack the door to the oven, and let the cake cool in the oven for one hour. The slow cooling will help it not crack.
  11. Then loosely wrap the dish in foil so the foil isn't touching the top of the cake and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
  12. When ready to remove cake, run a clean narrow knife around the edge of the dish, remove the foil, unlock the spring, and carefully lift off the outer ring.
rainbow Cheesecake 2
First steps of preparation

Cheese Cake - Rainbow
Now the Fun begins - From Second picture on right as you view it to the center


NOTE 1: My oven was obviously either newer or more efficient that the parent site for this recipe! – So I would advise caution and let it bake for 1hr and 30mins as opposed to 1hr and 45 minutes. Luckily, the slightly browned top did nothing to mar the taste or the enjoyment of this cake.

NOTE 2: Although the pictures from my source looks PERFECT, a thicker crust might have worked better to keep the cake together while cutting – I may play around with that the next time

NOTE 3:Keep cake refrigerated overnight – Keep water and a paper towel handy while cutting the cake so that you don’t mess up the colors –

NOTE 4: Not a good idea to travel 25 minutes with this cake unless you have a freezer box/pack in which you can transport it – I took this to my baby’s school and the children liked it, I think what they enjoyed most was delving into the gooey mush that they could so easily make it – but I say not too bad for a first attemptJ
Sending this off to Friday Potluck, at Ekat's Kitchen :)

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  1. Awesome have rocked with the rainbow colours n what a perfect finish, dear!! G8 job, dear!!

  2. Cake looks delicious and super vibrant. Excellent preparation.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  3. superlative efforts priya- wish i was there to grab a slice or two- wishing ur angel the very best on her b'day and hey advance wishes for a Happy 1 year blog b'day !

  4. Birthday wishes to you little one,cake looks gorgeous the kids must have had so much fun.

  5. Wow! Have never heard of a rainbow cheesecake before and it looks simply stunning! Im sure it will be a great hit with my little fellow :)

  6. Amazingly colourful cake for your kid's birthday. you 've thought of everything in your instructions and step by step photos for putting the cheesecake together. Happy birthday to your kid.

  7. What a way to celebrate...Kalakitinga Ponga...Unga veetukku varalama?

  8. A superb successful attempt...loved the way cake looks with lovely colors...Great job dear..

  9. Simply colorful and attractive :)

  10. happy b'dy to ur little kiddo...

  11. Beautiful Cake, A very happy bday to ur baby and a happy blog anniversary

  12. Beautiful and yummy cake...Perfect for kids...Birthday wishes to your kutti...

    Sure the kids would had enjoyed the cake very much...

  13. whoa !!! one of the best ones I have seen. beautiful colors and so well done and thanks for those step by step pictures. Congrats on almost completing one year and happy belated birthday to your baby :)

  14. Awesome colours......what better way to celebrate.

  15. Happy B'day to your baby,lovely cheesecake,colorful and a perfect way to celebrate

  16. Wow, superb cake and nice recipe :)

  17. Happy Birthday to your little one, the cake looks superb. Great efforts.

  18. Cake looks delicious and super vibrant.

  19. This is so pretty...I love it! And it sounds delicious too. Happy birthday to your little one:)

  20. happy baday to ur kiddo...and a gr8 cake for the big day...and very well explained

  21. So colorful and a perfect way to celebrate! Happy birthday to Shreya!

  22. Priya, how could you? I am craving for this recipe right now. How can make this one =( or where can I buy (just joking) lol...I am actually a huge fan of cheesecake, I am not good in baking but I am good in tasting and make review...Last night I crave for one and asked my husband to buy fortunately he got one piece for me =) I wish I could make a whole cake. thanks for sharing this priya.

  23. Happy Belated Birthday to your little girl! Your cake looks so beautiful!
    Great job!

  24. wow..that was incredible.. Hope ur baby had a nice bithday..cake looks tremendously gooooood

  25. Very colorful cake.. Looks moist & delicious.

  26. Belated birthday wishes to your baby!! nice idea...Perfect theme for little ones...interesting for us too...YUM!! Happy Blogiversary!!

  27. Thats really beautiful and yummy...........

  28. Great effort Priya....Cake looks colorful, fantastic and delicious...Happy birthday to little one..:)

  29. Awesome priya. Very colourful and super.


  30. All the best wishes for the celebrant:) Great cake:))

  31. It would really be bliss to have a piece of that beautiful cake. Superbly done.

  32. Loved the riot of colors!!! And ofcourse, celebrations times are not the time to be counting calories!!!! Happy bday to ur lil kid :)
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  33. Happy birthday to little one!!!Your cake looks awesome and want to have a bite now!!!!

  34. Simply awesome. I want this for my birthday!

  35. My hearty birthday wishes to ur lil darling, wat a stunning cheesecake Priya, thats looks fantabulous..

  36. Wow.. so sweet of you to make such a lovely cake for your lil' one :) Great work Priya :)

  37. Belated birthday wishes to your little one,the cake looks fabulous.

  38. thats a fabulous and colourful cake, looks awesome, appreciate all ur efforts in making this lovely cake, belated bday wishes to ur lil one..

  39. cake lokks super yum and delicious...Happy bday to ur lil kid :)

  40. wow superb...Wonderful recipe..looks so delicious..thanks for sharing....

  41. This looks delicious and also has that "wow" factor!!

    Yes, the tree is in a Chicago suburb. Only a few are turning and this is an early one. It gets quite colorful around here but nothing near as lovely as the Shenandoah Valley in autumn.


  42. Amazing cake! Never seen such a cake before. Birthday wishes to your li'l one..

  43. Hi priya, your 3 year old sweetie must have had a fun time and blessed you for the rainbow cheese cake. Delicious cake with striking rainbow colors, you did that very well. Happy belated birthday cutie.

  44. Wonderful combo of colors making the cake looks so delicious. Its ok to be sinful once a while esp during occasions.

  45. The colours stand out so beautifully! the concentric circles are perfect!!

    Warm b'day hugs to your kiddo :)

  46. What a colorful and delicious looking birthday cheesecake!

  47. First belated wishes. I had seen this on facebook but did not have the time to investigate. Sorry but better late than never.

    Lovely cake. tell whenever we meet I want cheese cake from you. Love it! Lovely colours! lovely circles! hats off to your patience.
    Do check out my event and send me your entries.

  48. Happy B'day to your love..God bless..:)
    gorgeous looking cake..nice presentation dear..!
    Tasty Appetite

  49. Hi, I've never seen a rainbow cheesecake let alone had a taste of it. Your cake looks beautiful and soft! I shall follow your blog from now on..Jen.

  50. That's incredible - it looks like a beautiful vintage patchwork quilt!

  51. Happy to see u in my blog dear,u r having a great blog,i felt i was so honoured by ur visit.

  52. Happy to see u in my blog dear,u r having a great blog,i felt i was so honoured by ur visit.

  53. Happy to see u in my blog dear,u r having a great blog,i felt i was so honoured by ur visit.

  54. This is fantastic priya! I have two words for ya- Simply Superb :)

  55. Thats such a pretty looking cheesecake......
