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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mango Pie

Mango Pie
Guests for dinner and dessert crisis – Scouring through the pantry, my eyes land on a kesar Mango pulp tin and ideas course through the brain – hmm…that might just be it! Mango pie. I have made mango pies before from another good friend’s recipe. But that was with a graham cracker pie crust – However, since Jan visited my blog and taught me the untold joys of a nutty pie crust, I could not wait to try it out on my own. No Pecans as the recipe for the crust called for, but in the freezer lay some chopped walnuts and hazelnuts…. Once you’ve decided to go nutty, how does it matter how or which nuts, right? J
So I got to work on the crust – Simple and very easy recipe
Then, I went on line looking for an eggless pie filling – Not too many out there, but I quite fancied the filling from Mike’s Table – He’d used honey and condensed milk both of which i had readily available – However, his recipe called for eggs and there were couple of others that suggested corn starch as a sub for eggs. I did not get to take any pics of the cut pie, since we were at the table with out guests and it cleaned slipped my mind, else you would know what I mean – while it certainly was NOT falling apart, cutting it had to be a delicate operation done with finesse. One might say that who cares about the shape etc since anyway it becomes a chewed up mush on out mouths …but I can never be too particular about getting it just so!!
My mind buzzing with ideas, I set to work on the filling –
Now the filling tasted really yummy or spectacular as my hubby says, but it did not set and solidify as well as it might have had I a) used eggs – not an option I want to entertain or b) used more cornstarch than I did ---
Let’s take this in steps, shall we?
Pie crust
For the Crust
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup crushed nuts
¼ cup brown sugar
1 stick of butter melted (I used salted butter)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix all ingredients and press into 9  inch to 11 inch tart pan, making crust very thin.  Bake 10 minutes until light brown.  Cool before spreading filling.
For the Pie Filling
1 can of Kesar Mango pulp
1 can of sweet condensed milk
1 tsp of crushed cardamom seeds
3 tsp of corn starch
½ cup of honey
1 tbsp of pure orange extract
In a bowl, mix well the mango pulp, cornstarch and honey
Pour in a saucepan and gently heat on medium flame until it thickens a bit
Remove from flame.
Add the condensed milk and cardamom and whisk into the mango pulp
All it to cool
Now in the cooled crust, add the cooled filling and set in the fridge until it needs to be served.
NOTE: I would advise that you make it a day in advance, unlike how I did it – It may help the filling set better
Add some crushed pistachios on the top of the pie. Serve by itself  or with a scoop of ice cream – go ahead and indulge!
Mango pie2
Goes to Reva of Kaarasaaram's Mango Event
Mango Event


  1. A very nice dessert to try.Looks colorful and tempting..

  2. looks super delicious and yummy,simply irresistible..

  3. Looks absolutely perfect, love the idea and recipe :)

  4. Hey Priya! Lovely pie... and so apt for the many mango months ahead :D
    Have an award waiting for you on my blog. Do collect it and keep the fabulous recipes coming!!

  5. Sinful!!!!!! Love the crust recipe too!

  6. Super...super...Loved the look and can feel the taste...

  7. super like dear...looks so delicious..:)

  8. looks extremely delicious!!

  9. mouth watering recipe..liked it!

  10. i could smell the mangoes from here. no doubt u had a treat

  11. Mouthwatering pie recipe. Looks so gud. Nice to know abt ur blog. Doing a great job. YUM!

  12. Ohmigosh! Love, love this recipe! I'm a mangoholic and I have access to fresh ones at a farm that I volunteer at on the weekends. I'm so going 'pie' the next time I get a couple. Thanks for sharing!

  13. This looks so good! I love the unique sweetness of mango in any recipe!

  14. Looks awesome!! I have never ventured into pie making..shall get to it soon!!

  15. Delicious mango pie,great recipe.

  16. Cannot take my eyes from ur it.

  17. Lovely n delicious pie! Great recipe.

  18. Really tempting...delicious ripe yellow mangoes yummm.

  19. Lovely mango pie, I was wondering how much difference would an egg make? I too avoid using them, somehow can smell them even when nobody else can.

  20. You are making me drool. Lovely mango pie. never heard about this. bookmarked.

  21. Would love to have a slice from the delectable and droolworthy mango pie..yumm!

  22. me love mangoes and also nuts... lucky guests!!!!

  23. Anything with mango sounds super delicious and refreshing to me..this looks great and yummy!

  24. Irresistible!!!! Mango filling takes the basic pie to an all new level!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  25. haha, looks great especially for a last minute 'whats in my pantry' bake!

  26. Love it....perfect way to indulge with mangoes...yum...

  27. Oh I wish I could be that guest for whom you made this wonderful dessert :)
    Looks so scrumptious and so what a wonderful colour.

  28. Looks so tempting...Sure need to try the mango pie...

  29. Beautiful work, I want to self-invite myself to ur home:)

  30. looks like my quest for a mango dessert is over...lovely idea, Priya! :) I was thinking of making Mango Panna cotta or Mango Cream but Mango Pie strikes them off. :)

  31. Yummy! This sounds wonderful. I have never tried mango pie but I definitely want to soon:) Bookmarking!

  32. Wow looks awesome, delicious pie.

  33. Now that's what called an ultimatum ,decadent mango pie .Pass it on pls :)

  34. I hate pie... But I love this filling PRiya.. Am a great mango lover, so it's win win recipe for me.

  35. what a lovely colour.. cant wait to try this.. loved it!

  36. Ohhhhh this pie looks so rich in flavor and tempting

  37. Looks great. You are very innovative and daring to serve a completely new dish when you have guests!!

  38. I never tried pie...but after seeing ur recipe...I can try,it's so easy n yummy too:) perfect color mangoyeeee n sweet...super ,nice job thanx for sharing!!!

  39. Mango pie looks awesome delicious. Love anything with mango.

  40. Wow, this mango pie looks AMAZING! It must be so flavorful. And the recipe seems so simple. I have to try this. Just need to get good manoges..
    By the way, thanks for stopping by my site. You should check out the Daring Bakers challenges - a baker like you would enjoy trying a new dessert every month :-).
    I see that you're on Networked blogs. I just opened a Facebook accoutn and subscribed. I'll be following you, it would be great if you could follow me too!
    Look forward to your next post ;)

  41. yummy looking flavourful pie with nuts condensed milk

  42. love it absolutely!!! looks dellllllllllllicious :P

  43. delicious pie. The crust with nuts sounds very tempting!

  44. Simply tempting Pie Recipe

  45. This looks divine! I'm drooling here ... I'd love a piece of that right now :)
