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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Peasy Paneer in Plum Sauce (Gravy)

Plum Paneer

I am always excited when I get a new idea or brainwave - During the blogging marathon, I deliberately chose cooking with fruits after devouring pictures from Verge's cooking with fruits book. When I saw big juicy plums, I knew I had to buy them and was determined to come up with a unique way of cooking them When we came home, found puneer in the fridge and we had company that weekend - So decided I would try a novel way of making Mutter Puneer, since I know that to be a fav dish of my friend who was visiting.
I find that color of veggies and fruits are a BIG turn on for me - the luscious greens, purples, oranges and reds - And what they are constantly telling me - I am healthy, eat me :)
I also put colors together and think - WOW! I would love a silk sari in that combo -making notes for my next visit to India, he he :)
Plum paneer

One Mantra to remember is if you like the individual tastes of fruits and veggies and the aromas of certain herbs and spices, chances are that you are going to (more often than not) like them together - So bear this in mind as you club things together...
Plum paneer
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Here were my ingredients for my plum gravy

4 big juicy plums
1green capsicum (bell pepper)
1medium sized red onion
2-3 dry red chilies (up it or reduce according to your preference)
2 tsp grated ginger
2tbsp slivered almonds
1 tsp curry powder or garam masala powder (optional)
1 tsp of olive oil (optional)
1 Tomato (If your plums are too sweet)

Taste your plums :)
Cut your veggies (see photos) and allow them all to simmer; add the badam/almonds at the very end
Cool and grind into a fine medium thick paste
Do NOT add any water unless you think the plums are too sour - If they are too sweet, add 1 tomato to the veggies and cook well before pureeing
plum sauce paneer

Paneer & peas

1 used 2 bags of frozen peas - you can use 4 cups of fresh peas
1 block of puneer as sold in the Indian stores (for India -  1pound)
Cook the peas in the MW
Cut Puneer into small cubes
Saute with curry powder in 1 tsp of olive oil in a non stick pan, until the puneer is slightly golden - I normally cook them individually and then mix since the cooking time varies, but they can be cooked together for about 2-4 minutes
Now throw them into the Plum gravy and allow them to simmer and come together for 1 minute or 2 on high heat
Switch off and transfer into your serving dish - garnish with cilantro before serving.


  1. Peas and Paneer in wonderful bed of plum sauce...Luv the sauce..Slurp

  2. Now this is a unique recipe..making gravy out of plum..great recipe Priya ..

  3. A wonderful gravy with fruits. I think I would definitely like it. It looks so inviting. But my husband always makes faces when I want to cook with fruits :( He doesn't like a gravy to be sweet. I think I'm not convincing him enough to give a try. :)

  4. new combination to me but sounds delicious

  5. Greatttt and must try recipe, paneer with plums..superb :))

  6. A very innovative gravy...Looks delicious...

  7. Oh wow, seriously?! A sabji made out of the fruit plum?! That's so innovative, at least I've never heard of it before!
    By the way, what did the end product taste like? Was it kinda sweet-sour coz of plum?
    Thanks for sharing!

    ~ Your recent follower

  8. Yumm Peasy Paneer in awesome plum sauce.Luks invitingly delicious.Luv it

  9. Very interesting and unique combo. Looks so colorful.

  10. Absolutely yummy n awesome.. i love the color specl..

  11. very unique recipe..looks perfect

  12. Truly innovative Priya. Love the gravy part very much.

  13. This is a very innovative and unique dish. Looks yumm...

  14. Seriously wat an innovative sauce, inviting..

  15. What an inviting dish!!! Sure to be a hit at parties too..
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  16. Unique dish,looks really inviting..

  17. I really love the colour of this dish Priya..So inviting

  18. What a fantastic idea! I thinkn I'll try substituting plums for tomatoes in my matar paneer recipe and see what happens. thanks for posting :)

  19. Yummy and inviting Now i ve to hunt for plums

  20. Oh my goodness that sounds and looks absolutely delicious. I need to go look for plums now.

    Paula, your newest follower

  21. That sounds interesting,Priya! what a daring move :). Its nice to incorporate fruits...healthy one too!! Good color combination for sari as well :).

  22. mouthwatering recipe, If the plum is sour always i am making salad and rasam.but this sauce gravy looks very tempting. very nice presentation.

  23. Hey! Just found your blog and love all of the recipes and can't wait to try them! Espeically this easy plum sauce! New Follower :)

    Stop by my blog when you get a chance and follow if you like!


  24. What an interesting combination of ingredients;would love to tase this; thank you for stopping by.

  25. Peas and paneer is well known but in plum sauce, gosh, thats so new! very interesting.

  26. Wow! This is so unique! You are blowing me away with all of your amazing recipes. This one is definitely a winner.

  27. wow, so innovative and interesting dish, plum in curry sounds great sari would be beautiful with those colours :)

  28. Dear Priya
    How are you? Thats a great recipe and very innovative ..I must try as soon as I get a kitchen at hand ha ha !
    Have a nice day

  29. wow!!great & idea for me...
