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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Walnut Apple Sauce and Purple Cauliflower Stir Fry

...Served on a bed of angel hair pasta – result is Yum-Yum
I had made this a couple of weeks ago, but did not get around to blogging it until now. Caught up with a blogging marathon, a guest event and still need to work on the Fast Food Not Fat Food Event round up!
This is a off the cuff creation and ended up being a lovely dinner worthy of blogging. I do believe that if you put a few things you like together, more often than not, they do come out smelling like roses – or in this case a nutty-semi-sweet flavorful sauce.
And, who can resist really fresh purple cauliflower, considering the sheer novelty of it – but the price of it can scare you off – So please be warned that it is an “occasion”al treat, especially when you have hungry teenagers in the house and a little one who would waste such precious commodity with no gumptions whatsoever, if she did not care much for it…
As for the Walnut apple sauce, it turned out having a really subtle sweetness and tasted great with pasta – And later we used leftovers of the sauce as a dipping sauce with carrots and cucumbers –



½ cup of walnuts
1 apple (preferably Pink lady)
1 cup of 1% milk or low fat milk
2 tsp of black pepper
1 red chili (optional)
½ inch sprig of rosemary
¼ of crushed oregano
¼ cup of grated cheese (I used Mozarella)

I head of cauliflower cut into florets
2 red chilies
1 clove of garlic minced
1 tsp of olive oil

Preparation of SAUCE
Peel and cut the apples
Add the pepper and the oregano
In 1 cup of milk, add the apple and the walnuts and grind into fin creamy paste
In a saucepan, pour the blended mix and bring to boil in slow flame.
Add the cheese as you are ready to turn off the flame, allowing it to melt in

Preparation of Cauliflower
First, lightly steam the florets in the microwave for about 3 minutes of medium heat (time yourself)
Get the frying pan ready with 1 tsp of olive oil heated. Add the minced garlic and the red chilies.
Drain any water in the steamed cauliflower and drop into the pan.
Stir and all it to cook for a couple of minutes – you do not want it to become soft or soggy – Al dente is what we are aiming for …
Hold off on the SALT until the very last minute – Sprinkle only when you are ready to switch off flame.

In a pot, heat water with a pinch of salt and olive oil.
Add the angel hair or pasta of choice (I would recommend bowtie as an alternative)
Cook to your liking  - I like it al dente.

Serve hot with angel hair and Walnut –Apple Sauce.
Presented with love from my kitchen to yours J

The sauce

Cut florets

Stir fried Florets
Sending this to Taste buds
RoyalFruitBasket copy


  1. never seen purple cauliflower looks very colourful..........

  2. I never used purple caulifour...Anything goes well with pasta and makes it colorful

  3. looks so inviting and this is the first time that i am seeing a purple cauliflower:-)

  4. The stir fry looks very tempting. Loved the colours :)

  5. hoooo Yummy sauce with pasta ..
    purple cauliflower looks too good..
    Nice combination :)

  6. Purple cauliflower looks damn pretty..interesting dish..

  7. nice recipe! walnut sauce is superb

  8. Yummy walnut sauce.. today I wore purple color dress.. next time will wear with your recipe.. matching..matching..

  9. The stir fry looks very tempting. Loved the colors :)

  10. interesting recipe.....never seen purple cauliflower b4...nice & colorful....

  11. Last week I saw purple cauliflower in a Supermarket here and was fascinated. But, was not sure how it wud taste. I thought, may be, it wud be bitter and so didnt buy. Now that I've seen ur recipe, I'm confident to buy it next time. Lovely post and gud combo with pasta. :-)

  12. walnut apple sauce sounds delicious. I have seen purple cauliflower in one Italian market. Love the color.

  13. The purple cauliflower is so pretty,rt? and the sauce sounds very delicious

  14. It's my first time to see purple cauliflowers and they are gorgeous! I would love to try the walnut sauce, it looks delicious.

  15. Thats a lovely stir fry and apple walnut sauce

  16. Nice! Never come across purple cauliflower before, thanks for sharing.

  17. The dish is a delghtful malange of colour, flavour, texture and loads of love!!I totally love your narrative style.
