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Monday, January 31, 2011

Guest EVENT coming to Now Serving

Let’s greet VALENTINE MONTH with some SWEET Love!

Feb 1- Feb 28, 2011
 Jan Silverman, a good friend, makes some of the best desserts I’ve ever tasted. It just seems to come naturally to her. And for people who have read my blog or my comments on your desserts, you’ll know that this is the one food area that I am still a fledgling. And then it struck me who better than Jan to come and present and where better than my blog J  I decided to learn a few tips from the master. And I get to blog the recipes I learn on my blog. Fancy that. However, I will not be entering these for the awards.

So I decided to make this a Dessert event and would like to invite you all to participate…  Jan has kindly accepted to judge the top 3 entries who will receive a “Best Western Dessert” award, while all the other participants will receive an award for the excellent contributions. This will be both interesting and tough, since I know the immense creative capacity of my fellow bloggers – Not kidding!

I hope you will all join me in welcoming Jan to Now Serving and also be privy to her outta-sight dessert-making talent J

Look for JAN IN MY KITCHEN coming soon...

For those who are already following this blog, Please feel free to send in your entries with a maximum of which 3 and at least 1 should be new.
For those who are new, please sign in to follow and RSVP the event – Same blogging rules apply to all entries
NON-bloggers welcome 
Please link your entries with the linky tool at the bottom of the post - 
If you have any questions, please email me at

One more thing - no Indian sweets entries at this event- sorry :( 

All entries must be linked back to this event. with the logo. Please take the logo from my blog and display on yours along with dessert you have entered for the event.
Luv ya!


  1. lovely event will think of something

  2. Wow will definetly participate....

  3. This is a great idea. I'll try to squeeze something in. I love to visit here and even if I can't participate I'll be back to see what you and others have been making. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. Dear Priya..thank you so much for inviting me to join this event ya. I shall start with my banana cake as per your invite! ;)

    Happy Hosting!

  5. Happy hosting dear, will surely try out something :)

  6. Thanks for suggesting I submit my almond date cake to your event. Just linked it to the event!! Happy Hosting!!

  7. Priya, thanks for hosting this fun event and for your wonderful compliments!

  8. Nice event...have linked my bread recipe!!Thanks for letting me know!
    Following u!

  9. Thanx for ur comments.... Bt the recipe is not posted for that cake on my blog,, will it be a valid entry then???

  10. Thanks for coming up with such a lovely event in celebration of Valentine's Day.

    Anna's Table

  11. Says linky expired. When are we allowed to post? Or is the event over?

  12. Thanks for coming to my blog and ur lovely comments. I just entered the Walnut-White Chocolate Cappuccino biscotti for the event.

    Name was pretty long so I titled my blog name :)

  13. Hi Priya! Thank you so much for dropping by my blog! I love the way you write… there's something so familiar about it… I almost feel like I've met you before. :) Well… you never know!

    I would love to participate in your event. I'll send in my entry soon. :)

  14. Hey I have just entered my first entry: Chocolate Risotto.... will send some more. I am already following u... do I need to do anything more to make my entries valid..????

  15. Thank you Priya for stopping by at my blog and your kind words about my recipe. Thanks for inviting me to your lovely event. I'd love to send some recipes :)

  16. priya,
    i am not able to link in to the tool

  17. Hi Priya,

    This is my first time on your space. I simply fell in love with it. I have submitted the molten chocolate for your lovely event. Let me see if I can send more :)

  18. I have linked my second entry for this event "Choco Berry Pavlova"... shortened the original name as it was lengthy...

  19. I have linked my third entry today and titled it as "Fruit Choc Mousse" as the original name was lengthy.... happy hosting..

  20. Have added my chocolate cake with cranberry cream :)

  21. First time here...u have excellent space and wonderful collection of dishes...Glad to follow u :)

    will send u my entry...

  22. Jus added my entries :-)
    Am sorry , but the link in 65 is wrong ,dont know how i got there , i thought i did it all right, so please do delete 65 , coz i added it again:-)and the second time round , got it right , i think it might have been coz i as adding them all together on different pages :-(
    THannxx a ton for the event and sooo looking forward to the winners!

  23. Hi Priya, Linked my recipe for your lovely event.

  24. Hi Priya, I am following through my google account= I think it is showing as honeybee jackfruit.
    Hope that is okay. I also emailed you.
