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Monday, October 25, 2010

cauliflower dip with pine nuts

A simple no fuss recipe executed in precisely 20 minutes...can you ask for more? I'm telling you, I like cooking fast and good... And you are going to love this - great to take to a party to serve with baguette, other veggies or pita or even with tortillas


2 cauliflower heads 
2 cloves of garlic
1 cup of milk
1 teaspoon  of black pepper
salt to taste
1 table spoon of pine nuts roasted

Cut the heads into small florets
In a pan pour the cup of milk (I used whole milk as the recipe demanded) and add the cauliflower and garlic and pepper and bring to boil - cook until the florets are tenderly softened.

Grind in a blender. Transfer the paste into a nice serving dish. 
Add the salt- 
Dry roast the pine nuts and sprinkle on top of the dip

Serve with bread, pita carrots or celery or bell peppers